Saturday, October 16, 2010

Amid the headscratching over Apotheker, and ongoing discontent about Hurd, finally some positive spin on HP's new CEO, which I want desperately to believe
“I do find it amusing that people like Jack Welch and that idiot at Oracle have gotten absolutely apoplectic regarding our new CEO.”
“Leo has to be better at handling people than Mark Hurd. That guy sucked to work for and kept the money for himself.”
“I was concerned it would be Hurd henchman Bradley so it could have been worse I suppose. It doesn't matter, the inept board remains in place, Hurds plans continue to move on…So to your question about the CEO, "WHO CARES".”
“In many respects, I always felt like Apotheker's reign was similar to U.S. President Barack Obama—both men inherited a glamorous, high-profile position that was in a world of hurt when they were sworn in.”    (if you read only one article, read this one)
Now if you were to sit back and go down a list of folks who both know how to compete with Oracle and have a personal desire to bury that company along with its CEO -- and omitted Charles Phillips, who is under a strong non-compete (great backstory on how Larry may have screwed Charles) -- you'd end up with Leo Apotheker and Ray Lane, both of whom lost their CEO jobs, largely thanks to Larry Ellison.

Both men are back, they are pissed, and they want a big piece of Oracle. They now have access to HP's vast resources, have deep knowledge of Oracle's weaknesses, can likely convince companies like SAP and Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) to help, and represent a preferable choice to many of Oracle's recently acquired customers than Oracle likely does. I expect HP is going to experience some rather dramatic changes in the next few months.”

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