Saturday, April 30, 2016

Hygiene Hypothesis: How We Are Destroying Our Immune Systems, Causing Autoimmune Diseases By Decimating Evolved Gut Microbiomes

"n the Finnish and Estonian babies, the Bacteroides rules the guts and in preventing the activation, it leads to an immunologically very "silent" system, which is not a good thing. The researchers said that this silence probably makes the babies prone to significant inflammation in childhood. They say that the Finnish and Estonian babies' systems have altered from the natural state of microbiota that has developed over the entire course of human evolution. In the meantime, Russian Karelian infants have gut microbiota that more closely resembles the relationship that humans have developed with bacteria in our guts since the dawn of mankind. The researchers say that improved sanitation and improved standards of living have caused the prevalence and dominance of Bacteroides.

They don't know exactly how and why this happened, but they are fairly comfortable saying that there is a connection between the altered microbiome within the guts of children in modern countries and the development of immune-related disease."

Thursday, April 28, 2016 Trump's misogyny will be his doom

"No wonder Mary Pat Christie, standing behind Trump when he offered up this gem, rolled her eyes. And no wonder Trump's BFF, Gov. Chris Christie, saw his approval rating hit a new low today, at 26 percent.

Trump sees women through the eyes of an insecure 12-year-old boy. He evaluates them as sexual objects, good or bad. He brags about his conquests, in marriage or in adultery. He even assured the nation in a national debate that his penis is sufficiently large.

He suggested Megyn Kelly was tough on him because she was menstruating; he called a woman "disgusting" when she asked for a break to pump breast milk during a legal deposition; he used the same term to describe Clinton's bathroom break during a December debate.

He dismissed Carly Fiorina's candidacy based on her looks, something he would never say about a man. He even praised his daughter's sexual appeal, and said he might date her if she weren't his daughter. Ick.

This is all beyond strange. The man has issues"

Monday, April 25, 2016

I Am Alex St. John’s Daughter, and He Is Wrong About Women in Tech | WIRED

"MY NAME IS Amilia St. John and I am the daughter of Alex St. John. Yes, that one. For those not following the horrific toddler meltdown my father has been very publicly broadcasting over the past few days, here is a short summary: My father, a prominent figure in tech because he helped create the Microsoft DirectX technology platform, posted an article recently on Venturebeat claiming that:

"Many modern game developers have embraced a culture of victimology and a bad attitude toward their chosen vocations."
and how
"[he] can't begin to imagine how sheltered the lives of modern technology employees must be to think that any amount of hours they spend pushing a mouse around for a paycheck is really demanding strenuous work."
It's the usual self aggrandizing agenda that older generations like to pedal on days when they need to feed their superiority complexes. My father's article led to a massive outcry from the gaming industry and a subsequent invasion of my father's blog by the (rightfully) angry internet masses.

On the blog, they uncovered extremely distasteful recruiting slides and supplemental blogs with revolting opinions regarding women, minorities and the mentally handicapped in the tech industry. Since these findings, countless others and I have found ourselves at a loss for words how anyone, especially someone in a position of power, can think that it is acceptable to broadcast such offensive material.

As his toxic waste trash fire not only is associated with my last name but also my face, I felt compelled to respond to my father's sexist, ableist, and racist rants.

(Important disclaimer: I have not lived with or near my father for many years and I lead an independent existence. I very strongly disagree with his opinions but have unfortunately ignored them for too many years.)

I am 22, a female, white and currently moonlighting as a "wage slave" (as my dad would call it). I work full-time in technical position (yes, a 9–5 and yes, I am never forced to put in overtime). One could say it is the sort of job that requires me to "move my mouse around a lot." This can be particularly difficult when the "shackles of my gender" become too burdensome to bear.

But as a woman, to enter this privileged position in the first place I had to face a lot of difficult situations. (And no, none of those situations involved a wrestle with my "victim complex".) The experience has left me with more than a few opinions about my father's views on this subject (which are exceptionally vile and wrong).

(The important caveat to this mini age, sex, race debrief is that I cannot speak for the experience of other races, women (and men) in the tech industry. However, the disparity and the need for a change is clear. For an excellent perspective from a black woman in the industry, I highly recommend this article by Erika Joy.)

I wasn't always going to enter tech. I only hammered that part down around a year ago, but the journey encompasses my entire life. Like my father, I dropped-out of the traditional education system. But unlike many women before me, I received exceptional mentoring and coaching from other technical women in the field and, as a result, I was able to persist in pursuing tech as a career. This access to mentoring is not an option for the majority of women entering tech, and I consider myself extremely lucky to have received it.

I entered tech for the following reasons:

My interest in the field of software development
'Dat Market / employability / livable wage
Because lots of people said I couldn't
Because not enough women are involved in the tech field
The last reason is the most important and what I intend to discuss for the next several paragraphs. Women make up 29.1 percent of the tech industry, but only 16.6 percent of technical jobs. "Women in technology" is personal to me, and I feel it is my responsibility to share my experiences with other women. In a world where so many women are finally gaining the opportunity for a voice, the tech industry is quiet. And what my father seems to so fundamentally misunderstand is that this is NOT, as he insinuates, a result of women "claiming victimhood."

(I will give credence to you that there MAY be a very small percentage of women who will perpetually victim-complex themselves out of difficult situations, but my only justification for that is the recent evidence brought to my attention that a percentage of men still believe all women are emotionally vulnerable, self-identified victims. If men like that exist, then perhaps less-than-ideal-women may exist, too.)

I will start with the root of the problem beginning in K-12 education. I was gifted at an early age with the amazing advantage of knowing that tech was an option in the first place. Not only did I know it was an option, I had many family members already working in tech, sharing tech and encouraging me to learn from them. Even so, I found it difficult to make the transition for, unsurprisingly, many of the reasons that plague women entering the industry. Sometimes not feeling intelligent enough, I could not find relatable peers to work with in my classes, and even if I did, purely academic relationships would often be misconstrued as 'something more.' Many attempts to solidify my path have resulted in open discouragement from both women and men alike. The worst part is that I have had it extremely easy compared to other women.

Imagine, then, how rare it must be for other young females, without encouragement or prior knowledge, to make the decision to enter the tech field.

The majority of US K-12 schools do not even offer any computer science curriculum in the first place. In fact, only 5 percent of US high schools even offer the computer science AP exam in the first place. As a result, many women enter college without even considering computer science as an option, and may only choose to transition to the major after their freshman year. Even if they do eventually decide to switch majors, it can be difficult or nearly impossible to finish within four years as a late transit. Adding to this adversity, many women and minorities feel intense isolation when confronted with the hard reality that they do not fit in with their overwhelmingly male classmates. Worst of all, many women enter into CS majors only to find that they are already hopelessly behind as they discover that their male counterparts already know the material from tinkering in their childhoods. As a result, many women and minorities end up dropping out of the major altogether.

And I can draw the obvious conclusion of what my father would argue from here, allow me beat him to it. "Isolation is good for you, stop being a victim, tough it out". While I agree that developing a thick skin is important, this isn't an actionable solution to solve the problem shown by the statistics (although promising developments, are bubbling as the number of CS students at Stanford increases).

(Even if a woman does get thick skin, the joke is on them as woman's perceived competency drops by 35 percent as soon as their colleagues start to feel that they are being "aggressive".)

So let's say a woman does successfully complete a CS degree and enter the career pipeline in the first place, and let's pretend that her "self-imposed victim complex" doesn't weed her out early. What happens to her next?

Unfortunately the prognosis remains bleak. After entering the field, women begin to get weeded out of engineering roles in favor of client-facing roles that "perfectly suit" their "stronger social skills." In my father's recruiting slides, he advocates for this exactly, quote:

"Technical women are often quickly promoted for a variety of reasons. Stronger social skills often make them better architects, technical writers, QA, or technical support people."

(Dad, if you use my face in an offensive slideshow again I beg you to please at least throw me a bone and put in a more flattering picture. As a self absorbed millennial I have provided the internet with a profusion of selfies in a rainbow of sepia tones. Please choose any of those.)

Widely held beliefs like these are playing a huge role in hindering women from continuing as engineers. While many of these "more social" roles may be high paying, they remove truly technical women from technical jobs, furthering the imbalance. This directly impacts women later in their careersas it has been shown that technical positions are more likely to lead to senior roles in the industry. My father's suggestion to continue the practice of "promoting" women out of engineering roles will only further reinforce gender norms in the workplace and ultimately harm the supply of senior female technical executives.

And finally, here we are at this written hemorrhoid from my father's blog:

"Why do young white males tend to be the ones who pick up computers, teach themselves to code, start businesses in their basements with their friends and get rich? It's an obvious opportunity to everybody isn't it? If you are a different race, gender, or religion… what's your excuse? I know of very very few successful bootstrapped tech companies founded by women or blacks."

By posing an open-ended question, I suppose it's easy to allow users to fill in the (rather insulting) gaps. My father's own conclusion being that everyone who is not a white male has a victim complex and is allowing themselves to be held back. It is very convenient to pretend that the reason white males are so successful is because they are the self-starters, geared toward success, etc., while everyone else is simply too lazy, apathetic and whiny to make something of themselves. By pretending this, he shields himself from all of the realities that put white males in a position of power in the first place.

Perhaps rather than pointing out the disparity and using it as an opportunity to belittle and insult ~64 percent of the US population, my father could use this insight as a springboard to reach a more obvious conclusion: Why haven't people like him used their positions of privilege to help solve the problem? Maybe their attitudes are partially (entirely) to blame?

Consider that as many as 50 percent of women working in STEM fields have chosen to leave over the past decade as a result of hostile, unwelcoming work environments. Rather than telling these women to buck up, suffer in silence and keep working, it would be more effective to address the root of the proverbial elephant in the room: The men (and sometimes women) who believe what people like my father are spewing, and regurgitate it at their female counterparts. The real crux of the issue is that by propagating this offensive ideology (even if it could be just my father trying to get his jollies by instigated fights with everyone on the internet), he is feeding the fire for the dull brained Neanderthals in the industry who actually are anti-women to continue propagating these practices.

And it is from here that I beg my father, for the love of his daughters, to stop hindering our progress as women in the industry and start using his influence to promote positive experiences for minorities in tech.

(And to stop promoting abuse and exploitation of people with Aspergers. And also to stop being an obnoxious lunatic.)

Suppose he does not. Given my allegedly inflexible millennial tendencies and gender inherited victim complex, I have no doubt I will eventually give up on tech and be forced to move in to his home (I hope he has space) where I intend to start my dream blog about the college tuition bubble and how baby boomers ruined our economy.
If you are an individual interested in furthering the fight to improve ratios for women and minorities in the industry, there are so many opportunities to get involved! Start a female and minority hackathon, volunteer to mentor young women and minorities in computer science, or even just start by learning more.

Here is a (short) list of other resources to get you started:

Girls Who Code: An excellent nonprofit with a focus on teaching women k-12 how to code. They make it relatively easy to start (or join) a group in your area!

Code 2040: An awesome site with a focus on blacks and latinos in the coding industry

2020 Shift: Focus on minorities in hybrid careers in the tech business. I love this website because it is all about entering the tech world if you ARE NOT in a technical career.

Code Academy: A great start to dive in to the basics of coding.

Scratch from MIT: This is an amazing tool for young children learning how to code. It teaches children to think logically while removing the syntax hurdles.

Some killer tech giants who are making a difference.

Grace Hopper Conference: Grace Hopper is a female and minority focused conference. I have unfortunately never had the opportunity to go but I constantly hear what an amazing experience it is. Students can earn scholarships to finance their trip.

Codepen: This site is a personal favorite tool. It is such a fun playground for front end development. It allows you code while simultaneously working with HTML, CSS and Javascript and it is so flexible. It is all buffed out with preprocessors galore."

Sunday, April 24, 2016

NYTimes: Prince’s Holy Lust

"This wasn't posing, or marketing. Prince knew early on that he had an extraordinary musical gift. Music flowed through him at all hours, in an outpouring he could barely control. He created constantly, completing a song a day at his peak. The way he explained his musical gifts to himself, friends say, is to believe that he himself was blessed. That contributed to his Jesus complex, but it also made him certain that his music must have a purpose. That purpose became spreading the word of God. Sure, he deviated from that path when he wanted to, but for him there was no need to separate the things we do on Saturday night from the things we do on Sunday morning."

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Saturday, April 23, 2016

NYTimes: At 100, Still Running for Her Life

Holds the world record for the 60m dash for women ages 95-99. The most inspiring thing I've read... Well, ever.

"At 100, Still Running for Her Life"

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Question Every Reporter Should Be Asking About Transgender Bathroom Bans

"The idea that men will pretend to be transgender to sneak into women's restrooms has been debunked by law enforcement experts, government officials, and women's safety advocates in cities and states across the country.

But media coverage of the debate around transgender bathroom access has been dominated by anti-LGBT talking points about "privacy" and "safety." In Charlotte, local news coverage of the LGBT nondiscrimination ordinance was largely defined by baseless fears about men entering women's restrooms.

Instead of fixating on bogus right-wing "bathroom predator" horror stories, journalists should be asking a basic but tremendously important question about Republicans' efforts to regulate public restrooms: how is the government supposed to figure out a person's biological sex?"

Sunday, April 17, 2016

NYTimes: Do Earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador Signal an Epidemic? Scientists Say No

Although two powerful quakes struck on opposite sides of the planet over the weekend, there is no connection between them.

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There are on average, 15 quakes a year between 7 and 7.9 on the Richter scale.

Friday, April 15, 2016

NYTimes: The Minecraft Generation

How a clunky Swedish computer game is teaching millions of children to master the digital world.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016 'Motherhood Penalty' Can Affect Women Who Never Even Have a Child 'Motherhood Penalty' Can Affect Women Who Never Even Have a Child.

"This higher standard is due to an antiquated notion that women who are pregnant are perpetually pre-occupied with their babies and cannot possibly be productive, said Anne-Marie Slaughter, author and former director of policy planning for the U.S. State Department.

"Pregnant women and mothers are assumed to be less committed to their careers, and every time they leave the office or ask for any flexibility, that commitment is further called into question," Slaughter said."

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Marine Dog 'Lucca' Honored After Losing Leg: Hero Canine Never Lost A Soldier In 400 Missions

"Through all of her treatment, and despite the pain she was in, her temperament never changed. Her fighting spirit was plain to see and I was so proud of how quickly she recovered."

The Marine dog was honored with PDSA, which has been previously bestowed upon a few dozen dogs, a few World War II messenger pigeons, as well as three horses and a cat. Lucca is the 67th animal to be honored with the medal, which is reserved for those who show exceptional service in a military conflict."

Wait... A cat?

"Simon rapidly gained a reputation for cheekiness, leaving presents of dead rats in sailors' beds, and sleeping in the captain's cap.[1]

During the Yangtze Incident in 1949, the badly wounded cat crawled on deck, and was rushed to the medical bay, where the ship's surviving medical staff cleaned his burns, and removed four pieces of shrapnel, but he was not expected to last the night. He managed to survive.

Following the ship's escape from the Yangtze, Simon became an instant celebrity, lauded in British and world news, and presented with the "Animal Victoria Cross", the Dickin Medal, as well as a Blue Cross medal, the Amethyst campaign medal, and the fanciful rank of "Able Seacat". Thousands of letters were written to him, so much that one Lt Stewart Hett was appointed "cat officer" to deal with Simon's post."

Monday, April 04, 2016

NYTimes: The Invisible Catastrophe

Here's a story from The New York Times I thought you'd find interesting:

Over the course of four months, 97,100 metric tons of methane quietly leaked out of a single well into California's sky. Scientists and residents are still trying to figure out just how much damage was done.

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Saturday, April 02, 2016

Trump, Truth and Abortion -

"There was, however, one moment of shining clarity. It came when he was asked whether the man who created an unwanted pregnancy should be punished, too.

"I would say no," Trump quickly decreed."