Saturday, January 09, 2010

CES2010: Panasonic 153" Super High Def HD plasma display

The current champion of ridiculously large screens. This is a "4k display" 4096 x 2160 - 8M pixels instead of the normal 2Mpixels.

I saw a Buddhist monk in orange robes walking around in the Panasonic booth. He was smiling and shaking his head. He was probably thinking "here's a bunch of people that need salvation - look at all the false idols they are bowing down to." A Buddhist would not use these Christian terms but you know what I mean. :P

P.S. Don't get me wrong, I have been dedicated to the false idol of consumer electronics for many years.

1 comment:

  1. Methinks the Buddist Monk was at CES because he enjoys technology too...
