Saturday, April 30, 2016

Hygiene Hypothesis: How We Are Destroying Our Immune Systems, Causing Autoimmune Diseases By Decimating Evolved Gut Microbiomes

"n the Finnish and Estonian babies, the Bacteroides rules the guts and in preventing the activation, it leads to an immunologically very "silent" system, which is not a good thing. The researchers said that this silence probably makes the babies prone to significant inflammation in childhood. They say that the Finnish and Estonian babies' systems have altered from the natural state of microbiota that has developed over the entire course of human evolution. In the meantime, Russian Karelian infants have gut microbiota that more closely resembles the relationship that humans have developed with bacteria in our guts since the dawn of mankind. The researchers say that improved sanitation and improved standards of living have caused the prevalence and dominance of Bacteroides.

They don't know exactly how and why this happened, but they are fairly comfortable saying that there is a connection between the altered microbiome within the guts of children in modern countries and the development of immune-related disease."

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