Monday, February 08, 2016

SGN: Capitalizing on OPEX in the Teradata Cloud with Data and Analytics


"The cost of the user is very well measured. We know exactly how much money we are spending to get every single user. Another thing we are doing well is showing marketing how much money they're spending and the results of the spend. The ROI is calculated on a daily basis for every campaign." - Ariel Aguirre, Analytics Director, SGN

Analytics in the cloud allow SGN to scale with the large amounts of data and still deploy complex analytics on big data. Each user experience is an event in a JSON file which goes to the Teradata Cloud - where analysis can be done in real-time.

Critical to SGN's strategy, the Teradata Cloud is an operating expense, keeping capital costs to a minimum.

"We don't have to worry about backups; that's all handled in the Teradata Cloud. If we have a problem with anything regarding performance, we just create a ticket and the support guys take care of it. That makes a lot of difference for us. We don't want to worry about how it's performing. We have to be focused on our business." - Ariel Aguirre, Analytics Director, SGN

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