Monday, April 06, 2009

Is voicemail obsolete?

@tonyrobbins Says,

"Ok is voicemail dead? 20% of those with voice mail never call in to check them.30% of voiceM remain unanswered for 3 days. text within hour"

I thought I was the only one who stopped using vmail. In comparison to I.M., SMS, email, it's waaaay too much overhead.

Here is my brilliant thought for the day:

What if all corporate email was restricted to 140 char or less, with no attachments only links. That would really speed things up. I'm guilty of too many lengthy emails myself.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

1 comment:

  1. For the last couple years, Vonage has transcribed all my email so that I can read it instead of listen to it. Not only does it save time reading, but I can just click to call any phone numbers that were given, and I can search the text later. Google Voice now does the same thing.
