Thanks to Andy Kass and his blog at for the fantastic reading about Kauai including the Degrees Convergence Project.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Degree Convergence Point DCP near Kauai: 22 degrees north, 159 degrees west
"Even without the Aerial Disqualification clause (FAQ #1.7), this trip counts only as an attempted visit. At 19 nmi from Lîhu`e airport, the positioning error of the VOR/DME navigation system is potentially 2500 m. This does not meet the Project's positioning error requirement of 100 m (FAQ #3.2). The scene to be photographed was mostly of white clouds and light blue ocean (Kaua`i was not visible during our attempt due to the weather). To maintain contrast on our instrument panel, the outside scene was washed out. In addition, the resolution of the panel from our disposable film camera was not sufficient for reading the indications of the instruments. The various indications shown at the bottom of the"Confluence Navigation" picture were documented at the time the pictures were taken and are artificial illustrations of the actual displays shown in the four instrument panel images. Since the pictures from the confluence do not show the island of Kaua`i, comparing them with future visits will only provide information about the changes in weather near the confluence. A clear day with visibility greater than 25 miles is needed if future visits are to photograph the island. Another interesting fact is that the ocean depth at the confluence is approximately 1600 fathoms (9600 ft)."
The Degree Confluence Project
"The goal of the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. The pictures, and stories about the visits, will then be posted here.
The project is an organized sampling of the world. There is a confluence within 49 miles (79 km) of you if you're on the surface of Earth. We've discounted confluences in the oceans and some near the poles, but there are still 10,223 to be found.
You're invited to help by photographing any one of these places."
Here are some pictures of the confluence near Niihau and Lehua islands (near Kauai). We could see both of these islands on Tuesday from the Waimea Canyon overlooks. The shot at the summit of Lehua is really intriguing.
Here is the confluence closest to where we live. (Appears all the California ones are already charted.) Check the notes for the disgruntled homeowner nearby who tries to dissuade the endless stream of geocachers by telling them the confluence "doesn't exist anymore."
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Chanel Nail Color "Steel"
I love Chanel Nail Color. It's super glossy and wears forever. And they have the hottest shades. In this case, I wanted a color to match my car.
My million dollar business idea is to partner with car companies to bring out nail polish colors to exactly match car colors. I can't think of a car color that isn't acceptable as a nail polish shade today. But you wouldn't want to use car touchup paint - those chemicals are not designed to be near your skin.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Study: Abstaining from alcohol significantly shortens life | MNN - Mother Nature Network
"...mortality rates were highest for those who had never had a sip, lower for heavy drinkers, and lowest for moderate drinkers who enjoyed one to three drinks per day.
Despite the increased risks for cirrhosis and several types of cancer, not to mention dependency, accidents and poor judgment associated with heavy drinking, those who imbibe are less likely to die than people who stay dry."
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Peanut Gallery
" If Lake Vostok had been composed of vodka the Russian scientists would have drilled through that two miles of solid ice like a hot knife through butter.
Frankie Wheels, Las Vegas Feb 09, 2012 1:30 AM"
" Two miles under the Antarctic Ice, a mysteriouslake has been sealed off for over 10 million years. Until now. Nowa teamof scientists has unlocked an amazing discovery. And an ancient evil.
20th Century Fox presents: FROZEN BLOOD
Dave, NY Feb 08, 2012 6:34 PM"
Friday, February 10, 2012
NYT: Ice-Fishing in the Deepest Depths
"The Russian mission in Antarctica has had for years an astonishing goal: to explore the remotest ecosystem on earth, lying directly beneath the most extreme climate on earth. The ecosystem is Lake Vostok, an enormous freshwater lake more than two miles beneath the ice-covered surface of the Antarctica landmass. The water remains liquid because it is trapped between the enormous, insulating pressure of the ice sheet above it and the geothermal energy below it.
After years of drilling, Russian scientists reached the lake surface last Sunday, just in time to close up shop and fly home before the weather worsens as the Antarctic winter approaches. This is, by any measure, an extraordinary engineering feat and a major scientific accomplishment. When drilling season comes again, scientists will be probing subglacial lakes all across Antarctica. The Russian team will begin sampling water from Lake Vostok, and American and British teams will begin their own drilling work elsewhere.
What makes Vostok the prize is that it is both the largest of Antarctica's lakes and astonishingly ancient. It has been sealed off from the outer world for some 15 million to 34 million years. Scientists hope that it will contain undiscovered life-forms that tell us more about our planet's past - and give a hint of what life might exist in lakes beneath the icy surface of other planets. When the Antarctic summer comes again, we will see what the scientists, like patient ice fishermen, manage to catch."
Sunday, February 05, 2012
The 101 Signs You've Been in Japan Too Long
By the way, I love the app Stumbleupon. You sign up, indicate what topics interest you (japan? Beauty? Quilting?), and then you click thru the most amazing series of websites that you did not even know existed.
"Most of your vacation plans revolve around taking hot baths.
55. You don't mind when every channel on television is talking about food.
56. You get the urge to yell sumimasen at restaurants in your home country.
57. You started to think that noodles are an ok filling for a sandwich.
59. You bought a little plastic chair for your shower. "